Learn and remember how to use ON the right way!
This sample module from my Prepositions 8x8 course will show you how ON can be so much more than just a preposition of time or place!
We're going to cover 4 different ways you can use ON in conversational English using word patterns that combine nouns, verbs and adjectives.
Finding a way to learn and practise prepositions until they become 'second nature' is the only way to master them, which is why I developed this course for you.
In this lesson you will see the method I use in my Prepositions 8x8 Course to teach prepositions and word patterns so you can use them correctly..
.. using the 'Imitation Technique' you will have the chance to practise speaking along with me again and again so the words (finally) stay in your mind!
Try it and see what you think!
Emma xx